Verification and control of the biogas collection plant and creation of models for the monitoring, control, and management of landfill gas wells.
It has been carried out a data collection campaign regarding the landfill gas wells parameters, to realise a 3D visualization model for the monitoring, control, and management of landfill gas wells.
Thanks to the 3D model it has been possible to determine the malfunction of one of the six collection lines. Therefore, it has been designed the solution to this problem and it has been provided a new model for the correct management of collection wells.
The identification and resolution of the malfunction, and a more efficient model for the management of the wells, made it possible to capture large quantities of biogas which had not been collected until then.
+50% more biogas that can be captured than the annual production.
+1.000.000 Nm3 di biometano in più in un anno.
-13,700 tons of CO2 equivalent less emitted into the atmosphere.